If - Then

If - Then

What is it?

Variations of this game include: 4 Suddenly:

How to Play:

Experiment with cause and effect by passing a scene back and forth. One player says, “If...” and fills in the blank. The other player says, “Then...” and fills in the blank. Add to the fun of the game by acting out each moment, sitting or standing, based on what works best for your situation.


In a one-on-one, in-person setting, this game looks a lot like Choices. To indicate your choice, you can move to one side of the room and the other, or point to one side of the room or the other. You could also use two quickly sketched signs (yes/no) laid out on a desk and tap the sign of your choice for each round.


Use the moving or pointing methods above, or hold up your sketched signs to the screen.


Use the chat to indicate your choices, or the "raised hand" feature on Zoom. The facilitator can choose a player with a raised hand who "would like to do ... " the previously indicated option to give the next suggestion to the group.

You could also ask everyone to go find a hat in their house and put the hat on for yes, and leave it off for no.


During live play, players can swap places across the circle when they have done something, or when they would like to do something. Use one less chair, or one less masking tape x than players, so that one person is always "trapped" in the middle of the circle. The player in the middle starts play with their statement, "I have never ..." and then tries to steal a place as other players swap spots. Whoever is left in the middle starts the game again.


When the first player is thinking of their ideas, invite everyone to come up with one or two so that when their turn comes around, they're ready.

If someone gets stuck in the middle, facilitators can take their spot, or ask another player to tap in. The game is most fun if new players end up in the middle each round.

Alternate Versions:

Suddenly: Each player adds a line to the story that begins with “Suddenly,” passing it back and forth.

Idea Generation: Players remember exciting, funny, or otherwise memorable life events and use them as a basis for stories.

lay with cause and effect by passing a scene back and forth. One player says, “If...” and fills in the blank. The other player says, “Then...” and fills in the blank. Add to the fun of the game by acting out each moment, sitting or standing, based on what works best for your mentorship.